Financial Information
To establish a culture of integrity and develop a sound business operation model as the foundation of our management, the company has formulated the “Code of Integrity Management” and the “Code of Ethical Conduct” based on laws and current regulations. These codes are approved and amended by the board of directors.
In the fiscal year 2021, the company established the “Code of Ethical Conduct” and the “Code of Integrity Management,” which were approved by the board of directors and published on both the internal and external company websites.
Dedicated and Concurrent Units for Promoting Integrity Management:
The Chairman’s Office is responsible for corporate social responsibility and integrity management-related issues. It reports to the board of directors at least once a year regarding the execution status.
Reporting Execution Status to the Board:
During the 7th board meeting of 2023 (December 27, 2023), the board was informed about the annual progress of integrity management.
Specific Practices and Regulations for Promoting Integrity Management:
To prevent dishonest behavior and implement the “Code of Integrity Management,” the company has also established the “Integrity Management Operating Procedures and Behavioral Guidelines,” which include clear regulations on the required ethical behavior for various business activities, as well as a system for penalties and complaints for violations. In addition to the aforementioned regulations, the company also strengthens the promotion and requirement of integrity management through work rules and relevant operational procedures. Integrity management is promoted and deepened throughout the organization via internal dissemination, education and training, and enhanced operational standards.
Integrity Management Education and Training:
To implement the integrity management policy and proactively prevent dishonest behavior, the company has established relevant policies and conducted employee education and training on integrity management. On April 15, 2024, an online promotion on topics related to integrity in business was held, with a total of 153 participants. The company will continue to promote integrity management education and training within the organization.
Regulatory Education and Advocacy Against Insider Trading:
The company has established the “Internal Major Information Handling Procedures” and the “Insider Trading Prevention Measures,” and regularly advocates the reporting requirements for internal stakeholders regarding changes in their shareholding before and after transactions via email.
To protect shareholder rights and ensure equal treatment of shareholders, the “Internal Major Information Handling Procedures” were revised and approved by the board on November 10, 2023. The revision includes a restriction preventing directors from trading the company’s stock during the blackout periods, which are the 30 days before the annual financial report is announced and the 15 days before each quarterly financial report is announced.
Implementation Status for 2024
- On January 16, April 25, and July 15, 2024, the company sent emails to all directors, managers, and other insiders to promote the prohibition of insider trading. Employees were reminded to comply with relevant laws and regulations on preventing insider trading and were strictly prohibited from engaging in securities transactions when in possession of material non-public information.
- On November 7, 2024, managers and other insiders, along with all directors, attended a training course titled “The Latest Developments in Insider Trading Practices and Corporate Prevention Measures in Taiwan”, organized by the Securities & Futures Institute.
- Closed Period Notifications: On January 29, April 23, July 23, and October 22, 2024, the company sent email notifications to all directors, reminding them that they are prohibited from trading company stocks during the closed period—30 days before the announcement of the annual financial report and 15 days before the announcement of each quarterly financial report.
Reporting System
To establish good corporate governance and eliminate fraudulent activities, bribery, and other violations of company rules, regulations, or laws, the company has established a “Whistleblower Procedure” under the “Code of Integrity Management,” applicable to the company and its subsidiaries, including internal and external stakeholders.
Integrity Management Codes:
- Code of Integrity Management
- Code of Ethical Conduct
- Internal Major Information Handling Procedures
- Insider Trading Prevention Measures
- Whistleblower Procedure
- Integrity Management Operating Procedures and Behavioral Guidelines
Reporting Channels and Methods:
Mail Reporting: Chairman’s Office, 4th Floor, No. 4, Lane 130, Minquan Road, Xindian District, New Taipei City.
Email Reporting: Send emails to (Head Office: or (China: Please ensure attachments are encrypted to avoid exposure of reporting information.
In 2023, no internal or external violations were reported.